Moonbury the town of a few hundred inhabitants located in northern England has always been wary about changes in the outside world and has a preference for traditional methods of healing. The town is eventually forced to seek outside help their community when their daughter, mayor is ill and unable to be helped by the witch doctor.
It is the Medical Association decides to send the most skilled chemist they can find - you to aid in the cure of the mayor's daughter and inspire the inhabitants of Moonbury that there is a marvel in the modern science of alchemy. Gain their trust and tend to each person when they get sick in this free-for-all sim RPG.
These are the features
Health care for residents. Moonbury is home to around 30 distinct residents, who can fall ill and call for your aid. Residents who have been sick may see their schedules interrupted while they recover in their beds.
Find a solution by diagnosing the symptoms! I wonder if you have... A low heart rate and a bloated liver. Perhaps you're experiencing shoulder cramps? This is not a sign of burning airways. The patient is consuming the wrong amount of gelatin! Easily remedied; you'll just need to craft some Minty Goblet.
Get ingredients across the world. After you've chosen the salve, potion or ointment that you want Start collecting the ingredients in your surrounding. You can upgrade your sickle the axe, hammer and other tools for new ways of using them as well as swings that can be used for daily work. Be aware of changing climate conditions! It is possible to be caught by the drizzle, a freezing blizzard, or even in the scorching temperature of a desert.
You must confront nasty creatures to get their material. The odds are that you'll not be able to collect all the materials you require as quickly as you gather berries from a bush. If this is the case, you will need create tools that are more effective to fight the beasts roaming the wilderness. You can use chemist skills in the creation of various mixes that will improve the health of your body or bring about status issues for your adversaries.
Make remedies with your cauldron. The ingredients you gather can be incorporated into the cauldron to make medicines, vitamins and more. As you gain experience, higher-level recipes will become available, requiring greater quantities of ingredients, but with more powerful effects. Enhance your cauldron to concoct new ingredients to your recipes for more complex remedies.
Build relationships with the townsfolk. It will take time and your patient's wellbeing will be improved thanks to your efforts. Your credibility with them will improve, and they'll open up to you more. There's a chance that you'll end up getting close to specific bachelors or bachelorettes.
The town and the surrounding area should be improved. Making friends with town folk increases your approval rating allowing you to improve the area by upgrading public facilities as well as expanding the explorable areas around the town. To make your home more attractive and give it an extra special touch then you could make your own or purchase new furniture.
The tranquility and peace of the country. Moonbury is one of the places where you can wander around in your own time, whilst the doctors are busy treating their ailments. Begin to get acquainted with the locals a little better, take an afternoon break in the local tavern and go fishing to catch something for dinner. Moonbury is a delightfully charming area where the pace is a little slower and life is just a little more relaxed than in the city. Moonbury's light is always changing during the time. Street lights illuminate the streets during the evening while the sun shines over the meadows in the morning. There are no set time frames for achieving your game goals. There is no limit to your play. in your own way and have fun.
Be a loyal companion. Moonbury is not somewhere you moved to by yourself. The dog you trust will be there with you throughout the entire journey. Dogs can aid you identify hidden items, and can point at those who live nearby during their day.